Phitnez 21

Isn't it Time To Thrive In Your Body, Mind, and Spirit?

What can you expect as you thrive over the next 3 weeks?

Week 1

Week one is all about reconnecting with yourself and community via Zoom, gaining perspective of the journey ahead, and finally feeling excited about your exercise routine.

Week 2

Week two we will rebuild your mindset using the mindset journal in our exclusive portal to pinpoint when you began these unhealthy habits and using our meal plans to start a new. We will also meet daily for journaling sessions via Zoom.

Week 3

Week three you are rejoicing as we nail those results and continue making sure your healthy habits are instilled.

What does the challenge include?

Body Type

Take the quiz to find out what program works for you ($47)


Home workouts that get results using no equipment ($97)

Mindset Journal

Work through the necessary habits to make a psychological breakthrough ($47)

​Support Group

Be in a group of encouraging women world wide taking the challenge ($97)

Healthy Recipes

Meal lovers and vegan recipes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks ($157)

Customer Support

​Reach out to PHITNEZ Customer Support Day & Night. Always have someone to turn to and get the best results ($50)

The value of $500 only for $40

What people are saying
about Phitnez 21


“The last 20 days has shown me being consistent matters. I ate better and when I wanted a snack I reached for veggie instead of chips which is insane. I started going to bed earlier bc them work outs were really getting to me this time lol. I now want to work out because it makes me feel good. My new goal is to switch from evening classes to morning to get more workouts in, which is also insane cause I like to sleep lol. I have better mental habits now than I ever had before. I absolutely can’t wait to see what happens next challenge.”




“I’m definitely stronger, have more stamina, and am a lot less bloated. The challenge encouraged me to move my body more every day and let go of the all or nothing mindset. Also, attending mornings helped me to “jumpstart the day”. There were some mornings I didn’t make it though I intended to, or where I did make it but I was tired as hell. But getting it done felt good & energized the rest of my day even if it meant taking a nap a little later. I’m not finished; I’m just getting started. Thank you for the energy and this challenge.”




“Yay! I made it 21 days…Worked out with you 14 days, averaged 14k steps per day. Lost 7.6 pounds. This challenge was great and inspiring. Most of challenges like this i feel out of place and couldn’t keep up, you were okay as long as I kept moving. I loved your energy. You were amazing. I felt motivated and looked forward to the boot camps. Looking forward to the next one. “



Top 3 transformations win cash rewards**

*Must submit before pictures by 12a EST on Day 1 to be eligible for the reward
*Each challenge session will allow up to three winners contingent upon overall challenge sign ups. A minimum of 175 sign ups is necessary each session to ensure a prize. Total challenge winning spots will be announced on Day 2 via email each challenge session.
1st Place


2nd Place


3rd Place


Next Challenge Begins...